GP8C Carbon Fibre GP Stubby Exhaust Silencer 51mm


SKU : GP8C Carbon Fibre GP Stubby Exhaust Silencer 51mm CATEGORIES : ,

Product Description

CONTENTSStainless Steel SilencerRemovable BaffleExhaust StrapExhaust Strap RubberThe baffle which comes with this silencer must be secured with a lock washer or temporary threadlock to ensure it is held securely in place..You may have to modify your existing exhaust system and/or purchase a separate link pipe (not included) specifically designed to fit your vehicle..SPECIFICATIONSSLEEVE LENGTH: 240mmOVERALL LENGTH: 390mmHEIGHT: 105mmINLET DIAMETER: 51mmOUTLET DIAMETER: 54mmMATERIAL: 3K thermally shielded carbon fibre, 304 grade stainless steel